City of Corpus Christi, Texas
Organizational Development
Process Improvement Team
Corpus Christi's Path to Progress

As the City of Corpus Christi continues to build momentum in the areas of talent acquisition, improvement of City services, and reduction of waste, the City Process Improvement Team moves the City toward becoming the benchmark for the State of Texas.
Each year the City of Corpus Christi selects a team of its best and brightest employees a member of the City Process Improvement Team.

2022 Cohort-1
- Albert Bejarano-Airport
- Gabe Puente-Information Technology
- Vanessa Sanchez-Budget
- Vickee Soliz-City Manager’s Office
- Brent McClanahan- Engineering
- Amie Wojtasczyk-Engineering
- Heather Calderon-Finance
- Billy Belyeu-Fire Department
- Adrianne Dill-Municipal Court
- Sara Jose-Parks and Recreation
- Caleb Wong-Public Works
- Carlos Garcia-Risk Management
- Rey Flores-Solid Waste
- Arthur (Len) Dunphy- CCW
- William “Billy” Breedlove- Police
- Kevin Hensley-Health Department
This diversified team represents departments across the City, with a wide-range of experience and skill sets.
Each cohort attends in-person training sessions, completes a web-based curriculum, and manages projects leading to certifications in Lean Six Sigma through Del Mar College and Solomon-EOS.
Upon completion of the certification process members of this team will facilitate City-wide rapid improvement events, long-term continuous improvement projects, and provide coaching and support to City Departments.